Aquatic Ecology Lab
Our lab is based within the School of Biodiversity, One Health and Veterinary Medicine, Glasgow University. Here we carry out biodiversity experiments with phytoplankton microcosms in incubators using our microalgae collection. We also test for effects of stressors such as light and microplastics on ecosystem services provided by marine bivalves. In collaboration with the Llewellyn lab and the University of Helsinki we develop an eDNA based tool for the detection of aquaculture pathogens. We also collaborate with the department of Polyomics in Glasgow University for microalgae metabolomics and genomics.
Coastal marine ecology
We carry out research focusing on coastal eutrophication, harmful algal blooms and coastal light pollution.
This involves field monitoring of coastal sites in Greece and Scotland as well as laboratory experiments.
For esearch on metacommunity ecology and the effect of dispersal processes we carry out experiments under semi-controlled conditions, in our Aegean or Glasgow Uni mesocosms or within the framework of the Aquacosm network
Aquaculture research
Our Aquaculture research (with the Llewellyn lab) is focusing on plankton-borne species responsible for farmed finfish gill pathology and cultured seaweed biofouling.
We collaborate and monitor salmon fish farms in Norway and Scotland as well as seaweed farms in Norway, Sweden, Scotland and England.
We run controlled experiments in our Glasgow Uni state-of the-art mobile mesocosm platform situated in Millport FSC, Cumbrae, Scotland
Theoretical ecology​
We address exciting questions on species coexistence and "the paradox of plankton" using numerical simulations and multivariate modelling approaches suitable for community datasets. I'm particularly interested in the role of temporal fluctuations of resources on the emergence of species-rich assemblages and the relative role of niche over dispersal processes in shaping phytoplankton composition. On these topics, we collaborate with Roelke lab, at Texas A&M as well as the numerical simulations lab of G. Tsirtsis, in Aegean University.