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  1. 2024-P. PI 'Biofouling prediction in Seaweed aquaculture' BBSRC Sustainable Aquaculture Partnerships for Innovation

  2. 2024-P. Co-I 'Planktonic drivers of CGD in farmed Atlantic salmon: from mechanisms to solutions'. BBSRC Industry partnership

  3. 2024-P. Co-I 'Developing the tools and knowledge required for sustainable submerged salmon production (SafeSubmergence)', with partners at the Institute of Marine Research in Bergen, Norway. FHF Norway

  4. 2024-P. Co-I 'E(tive)lice: Revolutionizing sea lice detection for sustainable salmon farming and conservation' with partners at SAMS. BBSRC Sustainable Aquaculture Partnerships for Innovation.

  5. 2021-P. Co-PI 'The importance of intraspecific variation in ecological responses to climate change, Royal Society International Exchange Cost Share award', in collaboration with CNR-Italy

  6. 2021-23.  PI 'Environmental DNA as a tool for avoiding seaweed farm biofouling'. Marine Fund Scotland

  7. 2021-23. Co-I 'In situ eDNA monitoring of planktonic threat to salmon aquaculture using a paper-pased PCR device'. DEFRA grant from the Seafood Innovation fund

  8. 2019-20. Co-I 'Developing an eDNA approach to monitor planktonic threats to salmonid aquaculture AQUASCAN'. BBSRC accelerator fund

  9. 2019-20. PI 'Harnessing environmental metabolomics to understand algal warfare, Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund', Excellence and Innovation Catalyst Grant

  10. 2018-22. Co-PI 'Resilience in connected plankton communities following a heat wave event-CoDRes' in the framework of AQUACOSM-TA, EU funded project

  11. 2017-19. Co-I 'Environmental DNA (eDNA) targeted TempO-Seq as a novel quantitative tool for monitoring aquaculture risk agents'. BBSRC Agri-Food Technology Seeding Catalyst fund

  12. 2016. Co-I 'Environmental DNA - a new cost-effective tool for monitoring risk agents for salmonid and shellfish aquaculture'. Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund (ISSF) Consolidator Grant

  13. 2015-16. Co-PI 'Building the first theoretical and experimental database for diatom short-term responses to changes in nutrient availability' with partners from the university of Strathclyde. Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland.

  14. 2013-15. PI 'The relative role of niche and neutral mechanisms in controlling phytoplankton genetic and morphological diversity (ECOGENE)' with partners from the University of the Aegean, Greece. European Social Fund

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